Friday, December 30, 2011


Since all 10 of us were in the same place, Mark took a family photo!!!!!!!!!!

Christmas 2011 !!!!!!

Mae opened her stocking gifts and gifts from Mom & Dad before going downstairs for the gifts from Santa. You can see by her beautiful hair that she just climbed out of bed!
After a yummy breakfast with everybody, we headed downstairs.
The slippers Mae is wearing were her number one gift she requested from Santa. When she walks, the dogs ears pop up.
Jolene was more interested in playing with the toys that were already open this year :)
Clara is trying to peek Jolene's interest in the gifts.
Mae had no problem opening gifts!!!
Jolene wasn't too sure about her horse at first. It makes sounds and it's head and tail moves.
She likes it!
Mae made Iggy a picture.
Mae said LaLa's snowman is ready for a big hug :)
Every year, the 8 adults in our family draw names. Mark had Megan's name this year. He made her a beautiful teacher pen and case.
Clara had Pamela's name. She got her a pizza cutter shaped like the Enterprise.
Josh had Mark's name. He gave him a travel mug that looks just like a camera lens :)
Clara and Josh showing off their new hats from Pamela and Chris.
James had Chris's name. Look what he made for him! LOL...
Megan had Mom's blog (this one) made into a book!!!!
She is what Christmas is all about :::))))
Precious JoJo.....
Time for some dancing with the PS3 Move.
Mae's Razor 3-wheeler is cool! Now, the adults all want one :)
Looks like Grandpa is tuckered out :)

Megan & Mae Yoga Challenge!

Megan and Mae would find a yoga pose online, then try to imitate the pose.
Above: Online picture Below: Megan and Mae came pretty close :)
Mae decided to start making up her own poses.